How can you connect in an age when strangers, landlords, lovers, your own blood cells betray?
Without having to think, I was able to rattle off that line from Jonathon Larson's hit rock opera, RENT. As a matter of fact, I can hear one word, doesn't matter what word, and I can finish it off with lyrics from RENT. For the past three years I have studied, listened and read anything about RENT that I could be my hands on. But then again, for the past three years, something has been missing. I've realized that once again in my life I have wandered away from God. Now, since I am a preacher's kid, I know that He is with me always, but since I have strayed I don't feel His love. And recently, I realized that maybe the reason I have strayed was because I devoted all my time to studying something else besides Him. I realized that if I had devoted that same time and engery maybe He and I would be closer. Instead of using my time to seek Him, I was busy in my own little world singing lyrics from a play. But instead I should've been reading His work, following His footprints, and reading about His past. I should've taken my time to turn off my iPod and pray. Or maybe I should've put down the script and read the Bible, after all, that is the best book out there. Now, all that time learning and studying about RENT had paid off in the fact that I get to see RENTat the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center July 7, 7:30 P.M. Seat C9. =] But learning about God can benifit me more than RENT, I believe. I just thought I should post this blog so that you may remember what is important in your life and what makes you WHOLE.
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