My mom always comes to me for help with her sermons. She says I am better than Google: all you have to do is type in the scripture and hit my head, then out pops illustrations for her sermons.
Last night, she used my Google powers. We had just dropped Luke off and we were on our way back home. She turned to me in the car and asked, "Laurie, what do you doubt in Jesus?" I looked at her for a second, then said, "I don't doubt Jesus."
She looked at me like she couldn't believe I have just said that. A minute or two of silence goes by when she finally asked if I was serious. "I am dead serious," I said. "I have nothing to doubt. That's Jesus, of course. I doubt the world."
"Everyone doubts the world," she said. "What do you think people doubt about Jesus?" She asked.
"I don't think it is Jesus, as much as the church," I responded.
Once again, in pure shock, she looks at me and doesn't say a word. Finally she said, "Okay. What do they doubt in the church?"
"They doubt the church family. They doubt that the church family will be there for them. The church doubts that they will make a difference in some one's life. They doubt that what they say matters. They doubt themselves, really, in the fact that they don't think that what they say will bring someone to Jesus."
So, my whole point in telling you this, is don't doubt Jesus. And don't give an unchurched person a reason to doubt the church. We as Christians have to be God's welcoming committee. We have to welcome people into the church and more importantly, into the body of Christ.
However, on the flip side, doubting is really just questioning. And anyone who really just wants to ask God questions will have a strong faith because they are seeking Him.
It's like Hide N' Seek, only He isn't hiding.
So true.
ReplyDeleteThat is one of the most incredible things i have read in a long time. I agree with every single thing you said.