Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lost Soul

As the cold night turned light, I wake up to a loud bang from the kitchen. I slowly got up and followed the noise. A strange man, a tall man, almost bald, was looking through the fridge and the front door was busted in. Strangely everyone else in the house was still asleep. The man looked at me and started to talk. "You know, I haven’t always been this way. I used to have a house, a family."
I was still scared, so I didn’t answer. Finally I managed to say, "What are you doing in my house? In my fridge?"
The old man stood there in silence. A sandwich in one hand and a glass of water in the other.
"Will you please leave or I'll call the cops"
Still no response. It was like I was talking to a wall. Then he sat down at the table and ate.
He said, "Please join me! You remind me off my son, before he was taken away from me."
"What happened? I mean why'd he get taken away?"
"It was 3 years ago. He was just about your age. We were homeless, poor, no money. He was taken away because I started drinking. I've never seen him since"
"Aw. I’m sorry. Are you still......you know, the.......?"
"I'm proud to say ‘No’ I quit when they took him away. I was on my way to find him when I got to
o hungry to walk any farther so I came here to eat."
"Oh, okay. Well looks like your all finished here." I was in a hurry to get him out of the house.
"Yeah I guess I am. Thanks for the food."
He got up slowly, and sadly walked to the door. As he walked trough the door I slowly got up and started to walk back to my room. Then I noticed he dropped something. I picked it up, and it was a chain necklace. It was a locket. I opened it up to reveal a picture of the man and his son. As I looked at the picture, I noticed he looked oddly familiar. Then it hit me. I knew exactly who and where his son was.
As I looked at the perfect smile, I started to cry. One by one the tears started to roll down my face. I was horrified. I couldn’t move or think. So I just sat there and waited till morning.

1 comment:

  1. oo! SUSPENSE!

    It's kinda surreal in a normal way. I know that's a contradiction; the language used is straight-up, but the story is kinda strange. I'm interested....the whole thing sounds like a dream to me.
